LTR Federal Optical Layers Collection

LTR Federal Six Line Shade

Bevel Horizontal Diagonal HShadow DShadow

LTR Federal Nine Line Shade

Bevel Diagonal Horizontal DShadow HShadow

LTR Federal Twelve Line Shade

Bevel Diagonal Horizontal DShadow HShadow

LTR Federal Eighteen Line Shade

Bevel Diagonal Horizontal DShadow HShadow
LTR Federal Optical recreates the steel engraving process used for currency and old fashioned stocks, siderography, renders type with high precision shading and high contrast. Digital design and publishing, capturing the typographic voice of nation states and old fashioned banks and delivers it to your desktop. LTR Federal Optical comes in four optical sizes. Fewer shading lines mean more sturdy shapes that can be used in small sizes and low resolutions. Higher numbers of lines create more detail and shading in larger sizes. The names of the sets indicate the number of shading lines on the height of the capital. Some assembly is required! You need to be able to work in layers for the full effects to be available.